Saturday, March 8, 2008

Taebo Boot Camp

So the other day I purchased Taebo Boot Camp and I must say it was a HARD workout. The Mission one was basic teaching you the basic taebo moves using a resistance band which really works, today I did Mission Two called Maximum Power and i about died!

This is a tough workout but I can see how you can get the results you want quickly! Billy Blanks words every muscle in your arms, shoulders, leg while tighting the stomach. I will say I do not think it is for beginners but I have done Taebo before and he has others that would be better to start with. I have used Taebo for years and I am far from pro but I know what the moves are and adding the band is 10 times harder!

I would totally recommend this to anyone looking to slim down, you get cardio and full body sculpting, my entire body hurts right now and thats good! All my muscles are tight and I know this is a workout for me to do every other day! I will stick to my eliptical on other days!

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