Thursday, February 14, 2008

The Whole Truth and Nothing But the Truth

So I have decided that from here on out I am going to tell everyone what I ate, if I exercised and how I feel about it! You are only going to get the whole truth from me and nothing but the truth! I think if I start writing this stuff down maybe we will start seeing a pattern, oh and of course if I tell you how bad I was please SLAP me back into a good lifestyle and not let the food control me! Are you ready to be accountable? (im totally hesitant only because I know I am going to embarrass myself) Ready Set Go!

1 comment:

im-a-beast08 said...

hey that is great, my email is, please email me and fill me in on how your progress is going and i will do the same. du u have a specific goal?? i hope to lose 40 pounds in the next 3-4 months, and live a healthy life. I hope we can support eachother so we both reach our goals. I also noticed that you are a christian that is awesome! So am i! Im really excited about this. Write Back!