Monday, March 9, 2009

Day 2 - 90 Day Fitness Challenge

Today was hard but i ate ok!

Breakfast: Oatmeal and a slice of toast with 0 calorie spray butter

Lunch: Salad

Dinner: Baked Chicken, small salad, green beans and brown rice

Desert: Yogurt with a cup of granola

Overall I did ok but missed my snacks again. I know thats sooo bad for me but I need to consistantly be eating small meals to keep my metabolism up.

I did Barrys Bootcamp upper body then did Code red, OMG it was sooo hard my arms legs and back hurt but its suppose to be good. We shall see if I can keep that up!

Let me know if you want to join the fitness challenge i would love to do it with someone else so we can motivate each and be accountable for everything we eat and do!

Hit you back tomorrow!

Jenn Jarvis
Name Change Kit

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