Monday, March 16, 2009

Really Sick

So i caught a nasty cold that my daughter brought home from school so I am sorry I have not been posting daily! I am really tired and I hurt!

Hope I feel better soon!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Anyone Want to Participate in Blog??

Hey everyone looking to get healthly or lose weight please email me at I will gladly grant you access to my blog so you can post to! I want this to be a group thing not a me thing!

Everyone works better in pairs not by themselves especially when it comes to losing weight!

If you own a health or weight loss related site let me know! I will check it out and blog about it here!

I want this to be an online resource for help when someone needs it so please participate!

Friday, March 13, 2009

Day 5 - 90 Day Fitness Challenge

Whew! I am finally caught up to today,

Breakfast: Yogurt

Snack: Yogurt

Ya I know it was a Yogurt kind of day didnt have time to cook anything

Dinner: Taquitos and avacado

Desert: Ice Cream and Milk

I know i failed again on the ice cream but i gave the rest of it to the kids and I am NOT buying anymore!

I did not workout today I am taking a break since I started working out on Sunday so that means worked out 5 days this week which is pretty good. I will be working out 6 days next week trying to work myself up to it! I do hurt but I am feeling stronger!

Day 5 - 90 Fitness Challenge

Again I was bad totally forgot to post soooo here we go

Breakfast: Oatmeal and toast

Lunch: Salad

Dinner: Turkey bacon, egg whites and has browns

Desert: Yogurt and granola

Barrys Bootcamp once again!

Day 4 - 90 Fitness Challenge

Sorry guys I am behind on my posts but here my daily checking in

Breakfast: Egg whites with bell peppers and onions and peice of toast

Lunch: Salad

Dinner: Chicken, brown rice

Desert: Cup of ice cream and milk

I know i was bad i had ice cream for desert! YIKES! I hope my butt doesnt pay for it but I was weak that day!

I did my barrys bootcamp and code red workout!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Vegetable Medley

So I am not the biggest vegtable fan, I like green beans, brocolli and salad. Thats about as far as the list goes!

But trying to lose weight means I have to eat more veges soooo I got creative and its probably not that creative because I am sure others have it done it out! I didnt come up with this great recipe LOL.

I took

yellow squash, zucchini, onion, tomato, chopped them up, cooked them in a little oil probably better to use spray Pam less fattening, and then sprinkle some cheese on it.

So as I said not great but if you are not a huge fan of veges I would try it!

Name Change Kit

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Day 3 - 90 Day Fitness Challenge

Whew we are now on day 3 and im tired! LOL got a long way to go!

Breakfast: Oatmeal and 1 peice of toast

Lunch: Salad

Dinner: Egg Whites with bell peppers and onion and a dash of cheese, hash browns and turkey bacon

Desert: Yogurt with granola

I am still working with Barrys Bootcamp and I figured I would for at least 1 month and see what happens then change it up if its not working!

I did lower body fat blaster and code red, Code red is soooo hard i am sooo hurting right now!

Until tomorrow!

Jenn Jarvis
Name Change Kit

Monday, March 9, 2009

Day 2 - 90 Day Fitness Challenge

Today was hard but i ate ok!

Breakfast: Oatmeal and a slice of toast with 0 calorie spray butter

Lunch: Salad

Dinner: Baked Chicken, small salad, green beans and brown rice

Desert: Yogurt with a cup of granola

Overall I did ok but missed my snacks again. I know thats sooo bad for me but I need to consistantly be eating small meals to keep my metabolism up.

I did Barrys Bootcamp upper body then did Code red, OMG it was sooo hard my arms legs and back hurt but its suppose to be good. We shall see if I can keep that up!

Let me know if you want to join the fitness challenge i would love to do it with someone else so we can motivate each and be accountable for everything we eat and do!

Hit you back tomorrow!

Jenn Jarvis
Name Change Kit

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Day 1 - 90 Day Fitness Challenge

So today is not officially Day 1 but I decided to start blogging about it so to everyone else its Day 1 of my fitness challenge.

Starting specs are

183 pds

Goal: 130

Now I know i probably wont lose 50 pds in 90 days but lets try and get as close as possible.

So far I did Lower body 21 minute work out with Barrys Bootcamp and upper body 12 min mission specialist.

Both kicked my butt and thats exaclty what I needed.

Breakfast: Yogurt and 1 cup of vanilla granola

Lunch: nothing (i know its bad for me not to eat)

Dinner: Small steak, brown rice, vegetable medley with a dash of cheese

Desert:Yogurt and 1 cup of vanilla granola

My main goal is going to be to eat more consistantly, I have a problem not eating all day long then eating a bunch at dinner time. As you see today I skipped lunch and hopefully I wont do that tomorrow!

That was my day and I think it was pretty sucessful only 89 days to go.

Anyone want to join me on this fitness challenge?? Email me at

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Affordable Wedding Gift

I do not usually stray from the weight loss but I have found a site and it would make a great wedding gift!

It is called The Name Change Kit and it helps brides change their last name with ease! I thought it was really really cool! Its pretty cheap and unique!

So if you are going to a wedding or are going to be the bride I would definitely buy one!

To Purchase The Name Change Kit visit

90 Day Fitness Challenge

I have decide to join one of my networking groups in a 90 day fitness challenge! We have to work really hard for 90 days and see what kind of results we can get! I am really excited about this because I will be accountable to someone and that means I have to exercise and eat right.

I think this is just what I need to get back in shape and lose some weight.

Wish me luck!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Fat Loss for Idiots

Love this site! Its a fat loss guide for idiots! If you are like me then I would try it out! I have no clue what I am doing and have tried everything!

Click here to get the Fat Loss Guide for Idiots